Where art thou?

I’ve already spent two months of Summer and I’ve got two more to go before I start back at Glendon this fall. It’s ridiculous how fast time flies especially as I look back and I can’t wrap my head around that it is the end of June! I’m spending my summer at home in Pickering,…

Summer Bucket List 2015

ITS SUMMER MES AMIS! Well kind of. I have been off school for about two weeks now and I’m back at home with my family. It’s great being done with exams and planning out a summer bucket list. There’s so much I want to do and with four months off not studying it feels like…


I’m really happy that I attended the Keele Open House and sat in on the Political Science lecture with my friend Kat. If I didn’t I would have found myself somewhere else studying Chemistry and attempting to cross faculty study in french too and struggling with math. By attending that lecture I realized I was…