Degree Progress and Holiday Joy

It seems like it was just a few days ago that I started off at Glendon and then again it also feels like I’ve been here for centuries…I feel old. I know, I know, I’m just 20, but in a few months I will be 21 and then a few more and I’ll be in my fourth year! I look around the halls and so many that I know have left and have been replaced by new unknown faces. Soon and I won’t recognize anyone cause I’m old..


Okay so maybe I’m being a little dramatic but that’s only because the other day I sat down and was reviewing the amount of courses I need before I graduate, and I was in a for a shock. See, I thought I was going to have to do a fifth year with a fully course load, not my choice but a requirement in order to graduate. Why? Well I’m doing a double major plus a certificate which equals an extremely heavy  course load and very strict requirements but after some serious calculations, I found out I can graduate if I want to next year!


WAHOO! Finding out should I choose to do a full course load and not space out my credits I can graduate at the end of my fourth year was a great feeling. But I do have some hopes to accomplish in my fourth year that might have me sticking around for a fifth year with a reduced course load! I’m thinking of potentially adding on another certificate or going on exchange, but only the future can tell! In addition to this great news, it’s also the Holiday Season 🙂


I’ve got two exams this week and then I’m free for the holidays until January 4th when the Winter Term starts up. Apart from being free of readings, exam breakdowns and watching Netflix until 3am…horrible judgement call, don’t stay up until 3am watching Netflix if you have class the next day at 9am or an exam… sorry for digressing…

The holidays mean, I GET TO GO HOME! I get to spend time with my family, I get to see my friends that have been on exchange since the end of August and attend some holiday dinners and parties. I can watch Netflix all night unless I have work at 9am, I can work on my initiatives for the GCSU (student union) as much as I want too and best of all, have some time to relax and enjoy the holiday season!

Until Next Time,
BHanz ❤

What are you doing this holiday season? Comment below or tweet at me @BryanHGL

Happy Holidays

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